Navigating the Path to Change
Important notice: We are at full capacity! We are a small NGO and we do not have our own shelter so our capacities fill up fast. We are not able to accommodate or take in our care any animals until further notice!

Basic Medical CareVeterinary station “JP Zoohgijena Čajetina” Work hours: 07:00-15:00 Contact: +381 31 315 02 40 Address: Bele Vode BB, Zlatibor Veterinary station “Čajetina” Work hours: 07:30-15:00 Contact: +381 031 383 13 40 Address: Serdara Micica 6, Čajetina Veterinary station “Nera Vet” Work hours: 08:00-16:00 Contact: +381 031 585 856 Address: Dimitrija Tucovića 1, Čajetina
Advanced Medical CareIf the animal needs complex medical care - complex surgery, x-ray etc. you will have to take it to the more equipped vet station in Čačak or Kraljevo; Veterinary station “Nenadovic Vet” Work hours: 09:00-19:00 Contact: +381 032 332244 Address: Miloša Obilića 49, Čačak Veterinary station “Bojan Vet” Work hours: 08:00 - 20:00 Contact: +381 64 1475581 Address: Tomislava Andrića Džigija 37, Kraljevo
PetshopPet Shop “Bišon” Zlatibor Work hours: 09:00 - 17:00 Contact: +381 65 5603511 Address: Kraljev trg, Zlatibor
Pet friendly AccommodationZlatibor https://www.zlatibor.org.rs/sr/pet-friendly-objekti-na-zlatiboru/
Pet AccomodationUnfortunately, currently there are no pet hotels and pet accommodation in the area. You can search for some in Čačak, Kraljevo or Belgrade. For the safety of your pet, make sure accommodation is legally registered and can issue you a fiscal receipt!
Report ViolationIn order to be a responsible owner or to address someone's irresponsible ownership, it is crucial to understand legislation and legal regulations. We urge you to report any type of irresponsible ownership, animal endangerment or abuse! Animal Welfare Law - reporting Based on Animal Welfare Law, the regulatory and enforcement body of all legal obligations stated in this Law, is Republic veterinary inspection.You should contact Veterinary inspection in cases of animal abuse or endangerment, keeping animals in inhumane or unsafe conditions, unchipped/unmarked animals, pet abandonment, pet reproduction, illegal animal sale or trade, animal fights or animal usage in any type of unregulated services - car/carriage pulling,log pulling, transportation, tourist rides etc. You can contact Veterinary inspection via: Email milenazlatifer@gmail.com Phone number +381 64 868 00 18 Address https://www.google.com/maps/place/43%C2%B045'00.3%22N+19%C2%B043'00.1%22E/@43.750075,19.7160483,205m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d43.750074!4d19.716692?entry=ttu Make sure to contact the inspectors with the written request containing all relevant evidence regarding your claim. We advise that whenever you can make the application in writing in two copies, one of which you will hand directly to the competent authorities and ask them to stamp and return the copy. You will save a copy as proof that you have reported the case, and based on this you can request information about the progress of the investigation. If contacting via phone or personally in their office make sure to request a written note of your complaint sent to your email or home address. In case you do not receive these notes you are allowed to file a complaint against the inspectors.
Report animal abuse and killingBrutal violation of animal welfare - reporting brutal abuse, killing or poisoning You should report the brutal abuse, killing and poisoning of an animal in writing or verbally, by also calling the local police or the public prosecutor. We advise that whenever you can make the complaint in writing in two copies, one of which you will hand directly to the competent authorities and ask them to stamp and return the copy. You will save a copy as proof that you have reported the case, and based on this you can request information about the progress of the investigation. If contacting via phone or personally in their office with no written complaint, make sure to request a written note of your complaint sent to your email or home address. In case you do not receive these notes you are allowed to file a complaint against the authorities. The form of the criminal complaint is not prescribed by law, so you can write it freely. It is important that it contains as much precise data as possible on the basis of which the competent authorities can act. So be sure to specify: Name of the competent authority to which you are submitting the report (primary public prosecutor's office or police) Name and surname and all other data you have and the person against whom you are filing a criminal complaint (residential address, place of employment, etc.). If you do not have this information, you can state that you are filing a criminal complaint against an unknown person As detailed as possible the description of the committed criminal offense (time, place and manner in which the offense was committed) Names and contact details of witnesses and any evidence you have (photos, vet's opinion, etc.) Your data (name and surname, address and contact) You can also submit complaint anonymously, but bear in mind that complaints with no witnesses are usually rejected as not having enough evidence for the processing. Also, if you submit your complaints anonymously you will not be able to track the investigation and its results.
Responsible OwnershipAnimal Welfare Law - following the rules Based on Animal Welfare Law, as an animal owner you are legally obligated to register the animal accordingly, to provide adequate care, food, shelter and when needed medical care, to secure your animal from running away or endangering other people or animals, and for pet owners to make sure your pet is not able to reproduce further! As a pet owner you have several options how you will make sure there is no unwanted reproduction of your pet, but you are still LEGALLY obligated to ensure it. Buying or acquiring a pet from a source that is not registered as a legal animal seller is illegal, and punishable for both sides - provider and acquirer! Keep in mind, not being acquainted with the laws and legislation in place does not amend the offender from the offense, meaning you should get acquainted with the relevant legislation. https://www.paragraf.rs/propisi/zakon_o_dobrobiti_zivotinja.html
Didn't find an answer to your question?
Contact us via following email udruzenje.hog@gmail.com. Please bear in mind that we are all volunteers and a small organization. Important notice: We are at full capacity! We are a small NGO and we do not have our own shelter so our capacities fill up fast. We are not able to accommodate or take in our care any animals until further notice!)
*Please keep in mind we update our website information occasionally, so please google the provided business names to verify the work hours, their location etc, as we cant keep up with all individual changes